Thursday, August 25, 2011

100% Financed VA loans Chula vista!!!

100% Financed VA loans Chula vista!!!

Did you know that VA loans are the only 100% financing available right now?

so If you are in the military and want to buy, you can actually buy with zero out of pocket expenses!!!

If you live in military housing you can also buy instead and earn equity in the next few years.

call me for a free consultation!!



VA loans in San Diego, Chula Vista. Buy a house with no money down


Apply for a Certificate of Eligibility.

A veteran who doesn't have a certificate can obtain one easily by making application on VA Form 26-1880, Request for Determination of Eligibility and Available Loan Guaranty Entitlement, to the local VA office.

Decide on a home the buyer wants to buy and sign a purchase agreement

Order an appraisal from VA. (Usually this is done by the lender.) email us

Most VA regional offices offer a "speed-up" telephone appraisal system. Call the local VA office for details.

Apply to a mortgage lender for the loan.  email us

While the appraisal is being done, the lender (mortgage company, savings and loan, bank, etc.) can be gathering credit and income information. If the lender is authorized by VA to do automatic processing, upon receipt of the VA or LAPP appraised value determination, the loan can be approved and closed without waiting for VA's review of the credit application. For loans that must first be approved by VA, the lender will send the application to the local VA office, which will notify the lender of its decision.

Close the loan and the buyer moves in.

Ready to buy your house with no money down using your VA loan? call us today (619)279-7167
email us

Chula Vista Experienced listing agent. Chula Vista Short sale specialist

Need to sell your home? work with an experienced Listing agent.
My Personal Mission

As your professional real estate advisor, I focus on client satisfaction. My business is about service and I am not happy until you are happy. My years in the business have provided me the experience to assist you with nearly every real estate need. Whether it's finding you a home, finding the best loan, or helping you getting the most out of selling your home I am here to guide you. If there is anything you need, please let me know (619)279-7167  Read client testimonials at my website.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

VA Loans in San Diego. buy a house with NO money down


  1. Apply for a Certificate of Eligibility.

    A veteran who doesn't have a certificate can obtain one easily by making application on VA Form 26-1880, Request for Determination of Eligibility and Available Loan Guaranty Entitlement, to the local VA office.

  2. Decide on a home the buyer wants to buy and sign a purchase agreement

  3. Order an appraisal from VA. (Usually this is done by the lender.)

    Most VA regional offices offer a "speed-up" telephone appraisal system. Call the local VA office for details.

  4. Apply to a mortgage lender for the loan.

    While the appraisal is being done, the lender (mortgage company, savings and loan, bank, etc.) can be gathering credit and income information. If the lender is authorized by VA to do automatic processing, upon receipt of the VA or LAPP appraised value determination, the loan can be approved and closed without waiting for VA's review of the credit application. For loans that must first be approved by VA, the lender will send the application to the local VA office, which will notify the lender of its decision.

  5. Close the loan and the buyer moves in.

Ready to buy your house with no money down using your VA loan? call us today


New HAFA Guidelines Effective Feb. 1, 2011

New HAFA Guidelines Effective Feb. 1, 2011

The Obama Administration’s HAFA short sale program has been in effect since April 5, 2010 and was created in an attempt to encourage lenders to do short sales and prevent homes from going to foreclosure.

Since its inception, however, only 661 HAFA short sales have been completed nationwide – a fraction of the number the Treasury Department and the Obama Administration had hoped for.

Effective February 1, 2011, the federal HAFA short sale guidelines will be amended in an effort to include more borrowers in the HAFA program and therefore reduce the number of homes in the United States that will go to foreclosure.

HAFA or Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives program is a joint government & lender program which allocates both a $3,000 incentive for borrowers who complete a successful short sale, as well as up to $6,000 to go to the 2nd lien holder in the short sale. It also specifies that the 2nd lender will not pursue a deficiency against the borrower.

The primary change in the HAFA program is the elimination of the debt to income hardship requirement for borrowers. Previously, in order to qualify for a HAFA short sale, the mortgage payment on the first mortgage had to exceed 31% of the seller’s gross monthly income.

This financial hardship requirement has now been removed, so sellers who wish to do a HAFA short sale will no longer need to meet any arbitrary income or financial hardship ratio, which should dramatically broaden the spectrum of borrowers who will qualify for the HAFA short sale program.

SB 458 Law protects short sale sellers

CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® applauds Gov. Brown on signing SB 458 into law

LOS ANGELES (July 15) – The CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (C.A.R.) applauds Gov. Jerry Brown on signing SB 458 (Corbett) into law. SB 458 extends the protections of SB 931 (2010), to ensure that any lender that agrees to a short sale must accept the agreed upon short sale payment as payment in full of the outstanding balance of all loans.

Under previous law (SB 931 of 2010), a first mortgage holder could accept an agreed-upon short sale payment as full payment for the outstanding balance of the loan, but unfortunately, the rule did not apply to junior lien holders. SB 458 extends the protections of SB 931 to junior liens.

“The signing of this bill is a victory for California homeowners who have been forced to short sell their home only to find that the lender will pursue them after the short sale closes, and demand an additional payment to subsidize the difference,” said C.A.R. President Beth L. Peerce. “SB 458 brings closure and certainty to the short sale process and ensures that once a lender has agreed to accept a short sale payment on a property, all lienholders – those in first position and in junior positions – will consider the outstanding balance as paid in full and the homeowner will not be held responsible for any additional payments on the property.”

SB 458 contains an urgency clause making it effective upon signing.

Call us for more information. (619)279-7167


How do I, as a homeowner, benefit from a short sale?

First and foremost, it relieves the stress of being in foreclosure and being hounded by the mortgage lender; and it allows your to get rid of your big mortgage payment and move on with your live. A short sale allows you to stop the foreclosure and get a fresh start. This is the primary benefit to you. A short sale also prevents additional damage to your credit. Having some late payments and a foreclosure filed has already done damage to your credit. However, a completed foreclosure will do much more damage and lower your credit score tremendously. A short sale results in the mortgage actually being paid off, which reflects positively compared to a foreclosure. Also, it is important to note that the short sale does not cost you any money. You can remove this burden for free. Further more, there are lenders that will pay you relocation money by using the HAFA program where you can get up to $3000 to relocate. If your loan is with Chase they pay sellers up to $30,000 dollars to relocate.

Will a short sale “save my credit”?

The short answer is yes and no, a short sale can save you from the worst credit disasters. By defaulting on mortgage payments and/or having a foreclosure filed against your property, you have already done damage to your credit. Your credit score has declined and those negatives will stay on your credit report for some time. However, it will get much worse if you allow the foreclosure to continue and do not try to short sale the property. Once a foreclosed property is sold at auction, your credit score is further reduced and when the foreclosure is completed via eviction and repossession of the home, your credit will be even further damaged. If you can complete the short sale BEFORE either of these takes place, then you can prevent that further damage to your credit. In addition, when the short sale is completed, it shows up on your credit as a "Paid" mortgage and a cancelled foreclosure, which shows future creditors that you did take care of your obligations. A short sale can help avoid this, but the key is not to wait. Get started today on your short sale by contacting us to sell your house and have a fresh start.


Keller Williams Realty
2060 Otay Lakes Rd # 200
Chula Vista, CA 91915
Lic # 01402106
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