Thursday, May 28, 2015

The fun is in the path to reaching the dream...

When I used to live in my little National city condo with my two boys, life was different but still so fun... the only time we could afford to go to Denny's to eat were the months that had 5 weeks because I would have an extra 27 dollars those months. OMG I remember our trips to Dennys and how I enjoyed being served coffee over and over again as my kids played with the colorful kids menu with the crayons. I worked hard to make ends meet and I cant say I used to save money... it was hard to save.. Yet my dream was to move to Eastlake for the school district. How did I do it being so broke all the time?? Well as the years were going by I was making equity in that little condo. Of course I had no clue what equity was. I knew nothing about finances and I was still so in shock I had been able to buy that little condo with the help of a city loan... see there are great benefits and programs too when you dont make too much money smile emoticonI remember closing my eyes and seeing myself in Eastlake.. once in a while i used to drive there just so see the houses... a lot was still under construction. Then one day a Broker came into the store I worked at Bath and Body Works... he said I should sell bigger things, like houses.... but the best news were that I was able to sell my condo and with the equity I would be able to afford to buy in Eastlake... so I sold the condo and bought in Eastlake!! and then of course got my RE license in 2003.... But when I look back.. I see that the fun and memories were made as we made all that equity... as we enjoyed each extra dollar, as I used to drive thru Eastlake and tell my kids... look out the window we will live here someday. the fun was in closing my eyes and seeing us here, in going to work and be so happy in my heart that I had a job and it was going to help me get there. The fun was in the day we had to pack and move all our stuff into a storage because I sold the condo and the house I was buying was closing late, the fun was in having to stay at a friends house for a few weeks.. then getting the keys... then unloading the truck... So what I see is that its not reaching the goal that matters.. its how much fun and how many memories you make on the way there. Today I have bought many houses, sold many houses and Im now buying investments so I can retire on rental income in 10 years... but now I know that what matters is the fun Im having taking every step to get there... writing a book as I go so one day my kids can go back and read it and say oh wow yes I remember that day!
Enjoy every step, every challenge, every person that comes and every person that leaves, every achievement, every new idea, every new vision... never stop dreaming, you will never get done... the minute you reach something you will still look ahead with happiness as to whats next. more work, more time off, retirement, time with grandkids, with friends with family... you will never get done so stop rushing and enjoy the memories you are making TODAY! Faby GG
okay and if you need a city program to buy your first house call me... and if you need to sell to move to your dream area.. call me.. I have done it and I will help you do it too!!! 619.279.7167

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