Thursday, December 27, 2012


What Can I Expect During the Short Sale Process?

If you’re upside down on your mortgage and can no longer afford the payments, there’s only one thing worse than trying to cope with the fear, anxiety, stress and anger: not taking positive steps to resolve the situation. Because if you don’t take action, your lender will. Your house will be sold in foreclosure, you and your family will be evicted, and your credit will be ruined for years.


A short sale is a way to avoid foreclosure and limit the damage to your credit. As short sale experts we can help you end your current nightmare, keep your dignity and get on with your life.

It doesn’t cost you a dime to have a team of short sale experts on your side

The reality is, short sales are far too complex for just one professional to handle. With Short Sale Leader you’ll have an entire TEAM OF EXPERTS – including a short sale Realtor, an attorney, short sale negotiator and short sale transaction coordinator – working to successfully complete your short sale. And best of all, the bank pays the bill!

Your lender may pay you to move out

Most homeowners are shocked to learn that they may even qualify for up to $35,000 in move-out cash!

We are here to help you and work for you!

Remember, you’re just five steps away from ending your mortgage debt nightmare and getting a fresh start:
  • 1You contact Faby Gonzalez – During your free no-obligation consultation we’ll help you determine if you qualify for a short sale and if a short sale is right for you. If so, we can get the process started right away – including contacting your lender to see if they will provide a pre-approval for the short sale process and putting an end to all of the mortgage collection calls.
  • 2We find a buyer for your home – We work with a number of real estate investors who have asked to have “first dibs” on our clients’ properties. If your home doesn’t meet their criteria, then our short sale Realtor will discretely market your home through more traditional methods. Don’t worry, though, no one needs to know. We can sell your house without putting a “for sale” sign in your front yard.
  • 3We negotiate the short sale with your lender – Once we have a buyer, our entire short sale team really kicks into high gear to handle everything for you. Our Real Estate Attorney reviews all of the paperwork, our Short Sale Negotiator handles all of the negotiations with your lender, and our Short Sale Transaction Coordinator stays on top of everything, providing constant updates to you.
  • 4We complete the short sale – After we obtain your lender’s approval for the sale, our Attorney ensures that you’re completely protected. Because we make certain that the proper releases are obtained, you can rest assured that your lender will not be able to come after you later – you’ll be completely off the hook for the unpaid balance of your mortgage.
  • 5You move on with your life – Once the sale is complete you move out – often with thousands of dollars in “move-out cash” in your pocket – and leave all of the fear, anxiety, stress and shame behind.

The sooner you get started, the more options you’ll have (619)279-7167