Tuesday, July 11, 2017


I decided to sell my house after so  much problem with the tenants and with my brother telling me about this  very good realtor that his friend from the post office have.(realtor Fabiola Gonzalez)

I called fabiola gonzalez and right away I could tell that she was very good , she returned my call even it was a weekend.  She did not waste anytime and we set our first meeting.  I was really impressed with her professionalism and knowledge of  her job.  She was straightforward and explain everything to me, gave me  all the paperwork that laid out all the things that I need to know about  selling one's property for  the best price.  She was  very nice and I did not feel any  pressure at anytime to sign with her.
Fabiola through the whole process always informed me and keep me updated I don't even have to call her, she always calls me and explain where we are on the process.  Everything was so easy and she sold my house in 2 weeks,for the best price!  She was so helpful throughout whole process and she has the best people working with her, Claudia her assistant and the best escrow company.!I

I would recommend her from now on to anyone that I knew that would sell or buy a home.
she is trustworthy  and she is your REALTOR FOR LIFE, I know for me  she is.  She  do not  have to do anything to be better just continue what she's doing .  I have the best experience with Faby and her company ! Made everything easy. 
I will always keep her card and ready to recommend her! 
Elvira and Ignacio  
This thank you is overdue and we apologize for not sending this to you sooner. Faby, we want you to know we are very excited, and happy with  our new home. We are looking forward to creating new memories. We both want you to know that we appreciate all the time you spend with us looking for the perfect home. Thank you for not giving up on us. Thank you for your help in helping us make our dream come true. Gracias  por  tu  gran paciensia!  You're  a great realtor, you made our experience a very stressful free one.We love working with you and we are excited to recommend you to our friends, family, and anyone looking for a  great reliable and trusty realtor. Faby you didn't know this but we had a former realtor that sadly is no longer with us. She was very special in our lives and you remind us so much of her. Thank you so much for taking care of us.
With much appreciation.

Victor and Mayra 

Hemos trabajado con Faby Gonzalez en dos ocasiones y quedamos muy satisfechos, en la primera ocasión nos consiguió una súper casa al mejor precio,había muchas ofertas y ella hizo todo lo posible  para que aceptaran nuestra oferta. En la segunda ocasion nos ayudo en la venta de una propiedad y nos consiguió venderla al precio mas alto del mercado y en menos de un mes.La verdad aparte de ser la mejor agente de ventas es una gran persona que te hace sentir en confianza y te explica todo detalladamente para que no te quede ni una duda. Se las recomiendo la verdad quedaran muy contentos trabajando con ella.   
Adriana y Marino Corti 

A few years ago Faby helped me do a short sale for a property I thought was going to get foreclosed.  Faby, with her exceptional experience and professionalism, helped me through the short sale process and she made it happen, which I thought it was almost impossible. When we were ready to buy a house again, I went to Faby and this time she helped us buy a house in a smooth, easy and rewarding transaction.  I thought it was going to be very hard for us to buy a house after a short sale, but Faby guided us through the process and made it happen.  Faby is very knowledgeable and this comes to show that nothing is impossible for her.   It is a pleasure to work with Faby. She is very attentive and caring with her clients and always wants the best for them.  I can attest she has gone way beyond what I expected the times that I have worked with her and this makes her my Realtor for Life.  Thank You Faby!!!! 
A. Santana

I've purchased, sold and refinanced properties through Faby for nearly 10 years. Each transaction has been smooth, effortless and absolutely professional. She is meticulous, attentive and caring. Both an exceptional realtor and a pleasure to work with.   
LaFuente J.

 My wife and I decide to get a new home we went to Faby and within 30 days we were moving into our new house. Since this was our first house she walked us step by step in the right direction, with the right lender and escrow companies, her knowledge of the current market and rates help us to get the right house for the right price and a great rate for our loan, she worked really hard for us and she'll do the same for any of her clients because she cares and that's why I recommend Faby to family and friends who are ready to buy a house. Faby will make it happen!!!   
Baltazar G.

My experience with Faby was more than excellent. I was in a very bad situation with the payments of my house and the bank was not helping me to keep it. I had to do a short sale and Faby made it painlessly happen. She had great communication with me every step of the way. I thought I was not going to be able to get out of my house situation without a foreclosure but Faby made it happen. She was able to sell my house as a short sale. When I am ready to buy a house again I will definitely contact her.   
Santana A.

Dear Faby
We just want to thank you so much for the thoughtful gift basket, but more imortantly, we want to thank you for making our home-buying experience so easy and rewarding.
Just to let you know, we already have a tenant occupying the unit.  Because of your efforts, we got a beautiful place at a great price.
Again, thank you both so much!
Andrey and Oksana Glukhikh

Just want to take a quick moment to thank you for all of your assistance in the sale of our home.  Working with you was not only a pleasure, but quite refreshing.  Your prompt replies to all our inquiries, your thoroughness and knowledge of real estate and your attention to detail made the transaction of our home quick and easy.  We will definitely keep you in mind with future transactions and we will continue to recommend you to our friends and family.  Thanks for being such a great person and a wonderful Realtor. 
Jorge Balvaneda
Fabby has a great team, I loved the fact that They emailed me new listings every day and instead of haveing to personally go to and look at everyone I could pick and choose the ones that I really wanted to see.  If one was too busy the other one was right there to pick up the ball, Their assistants took care of all the paperwork so all I had to do was to sign. They never let anyone take advantage of me, when they made a set date or timeline they pushed to get done and if it wasn't done by their standards they really got into fixing the problem, either new lenders or putting their foot down when it came to sellers instead of just pushing the problem off to the side. They're both very strong willed and determined to compete in this competitive field. I will continue to set my friends and family up with them and even when I decide to sell and buy again. They're my first and only choice. Thanks so much for making my dream  of owning my own house come true, Sincerely 
Jana Drumright
Dear Faby and Sandy:
We just want to thank you so much for the thoughtful gift basket, but more imortantly, we want to thank you for making our home-buying experience so easy and rewarding.  
Just to let you know, we already have a tenant occupying the unit.  Because of your efforts, we got a beautiful place at a great price.  Again, thank you both so much!Sincerely, 
Andrey and Oksana Glukhikh

Just want to take a quick moment to thank you for all of your assistance in the sale of our home.  Working with you was not only a pleasure but quite refreshing.  Your prompt replies to all our inquiries, your thoroughness, and knowledge of real estate and your attention to detail made the transaction of our home quick and easy.  We will definitely keep you in mind with future transactions and we will continue to recommend you to our friends and family.  Thanks for being such a great person and a wonderful Realtor.  
Jorge Balvaneda

Faby is a great realtor who takes great pride in helping her clients no matter how small the issues are. Buying and selling real estate with Faby and her team has been a breeze and a very enjoyable experience.I’m looking forward to closing many more transactions with her. Thanks, Faby! 
Roth Roth

Ha sido un enorme placer tener a Faby como nuestra agente para llevar a cabo lo que para nosotros era tan dificil, el short sale de nuestra casa, tuvimos una muy buena experiencia ya que todo el proceso fue muy rapido y siempre nos mantuvo al tanto, ademas de que siempre pudimos tener un contacto directo con ella haya sido por email, llamadas e incluso mensajes de texto, cualquier duda que tuvimos siempre fue resuelta, y sobre todo lo mas importante que no tuvimos ningun contratiempo y fue un exito la venta corta de nuestra casa, ahora podemos dormir tranquilos y se lo debemos a una persona profesional, con experiencia y sobre todo muy humana que atendio a nuestras inquietudes siempre con una actitud positiva, y si en alguien tenemos que pensar en contratar como agente de real estate esa persona definitivamente es FABY GONZALEZ.
Muchas Gracias por todo.
Familia Beas Juarez

 I have the enormous pleasure of working closely with Faby Gonzalez, and I strongly recommend her to be your real estate advisor.I am cheerfully writing this message to describe the wonderful and amazing experience that I had working with Faby Gonzalez. We all know that going through a Short Sale process sounds scary and brings tons of doubts and stress. Well, having Faby as your real estate advisor releases you from all of the above. Faby is just amazing; she works the extra mile to make sure that you are happy, confident, and well informed throughout the process. She has all the necessary connections to succeed in any real estate need.Faby Gonzalez is a very dedicated, hard-working persistent person in the achievement of her goals. Her work is consistently exemplary. She always shows a positive, cheerful and respectful attitude. Faby is very honest and transparent, and she is always there for you 24/7.  I highly recommend her to be your professional real estate advisor.Thank you, Faby!!!Cordially,Rosalinda Sandoval Chair, Languages Department San Diego City College E-Mail: rsandova@sdccd.edu

After having a bad experience with our previous realtor, we were apprehensive about hiring a new agent to help us to sell our beautiful condo in downtown San Diego. This prompted us to research and personally interview a handful of realtors in South of California. It was our good fortune that we met with Faby Gonzalez, she was the only one who made us feel comfortable and took the time to listen to our desires.She worked very hard with the banks and interested parties to sell our condo. Before expected we were holding a sign that read SOLD!!! We have benefited immensely from her expertise and comprehensive follow-up care by Faby Gonzalez and by her professional staff. If we were ever to need to buy, sell or rent, we will only go back to her. We have recommended Faby Gonzalez to both family and friends with confidence.
Curtis and Teresa Palmer  

Estimada Faby:
Deseo enviarte mi sincero agradecimiento por la gran ayuda brindada para hacer la venta corta de la casa en Chula Vista, Ca. La situación en bienes raíces del año pasado hacía muy dificil sostener una economía apretada con el nivel de precios de aquel momento. Gracias a tu visión, experiencia y buenos consejos fue posible realizar todo el proceso de venta de manera holgada y sin ningún contratiempo. La atención absoluta y la precisión con que atendiste todos los detalles hizo que todo resultara excelente y justo para todos, además de que el tiempo invertido en todos los trámites fuera rápido y adecuado, por lo que te agradecemos tu profesionalismo y la atenta y pronta respuesta a todas las inquietudes que tuvimos en aquellos momentos. No tengo ninguna duda de que serás tu a la primera persona a quien contacte y recomiende a mis familiares y amigos para cualquier gestión futura. Muchas Gracias.
Jorge L. Flores
Muchas gracias por todas tus atenciones, por el tiempo dedicado a la compra de mi casa, y por tenerme paciencia, gracias por la rapidez, estamos encantadas disfrutando de un nuevo hogar!!!

Hola Faby,      Fue un placer haber trabajado contigo para el short sale, no tuvimos ningun problema para el tipo de procedimiento creo que fue muy relajado sin complicaciones, y en lo que se nos llego a atorar lo pudiste resolver muy rapido. Por lo cual estamos muy contentos con tus atenciones, servicio y disponibilidad para realizar las cosas. Muchas Gracias por todo esperamos seguir trabajando contigo.Atte.
Dr. Tony y Vicky

This letter is to Faby Gonzales and her sister Gaby,
You guys are such an incredible team!  Me being a clinical therapist and my wife also working in the behavioral health field, know what it's like to communicate and deal with people and to know if they are genuine and/or caring.  Faby and Gaby are both genuine and caring.  They made us feel welcomed, comfortable and important.  Their work was professional, efficient, and meticulous beyond our expectations. When a brief doubt entered our minds their extreme professionalism, advocacy and comforting words quickly put us at ease.  They were available at all hours of the night and we really felt valued and cared for. Without them, I doubt we would be in our dream home today.  They were always available for questions and walked us through each step of the way.  We felt like we were family when we worked with them and that our happiness was truly important to them.  We went in to talk about possibly looking at houses and the next day we had a quote of how much we would qualify for and we had a print out of four houses to look at and they took us to see them that same day.
Words cannot adequately describe how much joy and happiness their work has brought us.  We are thankful that such wonderful people were put in our lives.
Thank you, Faby and Gaby! 
Henry and Arely Petersen  

Dear Faby,Hope this e-mail finds you well. I just want to congratulate you for your participation in "Mesa informativa" with Odilon Garcia this morning. I always listen to that radio station, and it was a very pleasant surprise to find out that you were part of it. Your interview was very informative and great; It made me feel proud of being your client.  You have shown to be a very dedicated and persistent person. Thanks for your guidance during these difficult times. You have made of this short-sale transition, a very smooth one. I know for sure that we are in good hands. We will definitely recommend you with our family and friends.Have a wonderful evening.
Sincerely,Rosalinda Sandoval

My wife and I have known Faby for more than 6 years and we keep coming back to her with any Real Estate questions or issues we may have.
I have lived in San Diego since 1960 and I have bought and sold 5 houses. Before meeting Faby I had bad or borderline experiences with several of the realtors. We finally found Faby with her, she guarantees professionalism and integrity which is the most important issues in buying or selling a property.
The home that I now live in I purchased with Faby's help and expertise. If I decide to buy or sell a property in the future Faby will be the first and only Realtor I call.
I can be reached at 619-264-8338
Gary James. 

Not all the agents created equal. Faby Gonzalez has great communication skill with great knowledge of the neighborhood. Faby take me insights into the market, show me the properties and ultimately take me through the process of buying and taking possession of the house. Very happy to have her as my agent she is great 

"Faby is a very helpful agent she made my purchase very smooth and assuring me all would be fine and i would not have to pay more money than i was told since the start. plus i got my deposit back. her positive attitude transmitted to our family on these streesfull transactions. our dream come true was done by fabi i recommend her HIGHLY ”   Amalia U.

“ Faby has worked with me in the past and recently she sold my last home in Chula vista. It was a pleasure working with her and I will look for her when I move back to San Diego. Mrs. Hamilton ” 

Faby Gonzales
Kai Adler, General Contractor, Developer and Real Estate Investor
It is with confidence that I recommend Faby as a realtor on the buy or sell side of a transaction.  She has the ability to be professional, courteous, diligent and friendly at the same time.  I have been a realtor but realized that in any transaction I need the right person to represent me.  Faby has worked as a buyers agent and a sellers agent in our transactions.  She has also represented buyers who are purchasing my property.  In every case she has been thorough and fair chasing down every detail until both buyer and seller have the transaction in order.
Why does a buyer want representation?
Because they do not know the whole market
Because they do not know all the real estate laws
Because they want someone who knows the neighborhood
Because they want someone who knows the comparables
Because they want someone who will make one of the biggest purchases of their life as enjoyable and pain free as possible.
These are a few of the reasons to choose a realtor.  FABY GONZALES MEETS ALL THESE REQUIREMENTS.
Why does a seller want representation?
Because they want all of the legal requirements of the transaction to be fulfilled in a timely and professional manner.
Because they want someone who knows the market and is up to date on legal and market conditions.
Because they want someone who will promote the property to achieve the greatest amount of exposure and develop the highest number of offers
Because they want someone who will work well with other Brokers and Agents in fair negotiation.
These are a few of the reasons to choose a realtor. FABY GONZALES MEETS ALL THESE REQUIREMENTS Kai A.
some of my happy clients